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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ah the holidaze....

Misspelled intentionally to accentuate the absolute frenzy people go into this time of year! This will be another year where presents are scarce and jobs/life are uncertain for me and mine, but at least we have each other and are together. Adversity can drive people apart or push them closer together. I am blessed to have my husband, my 'kids', my parents, my friends, and loyal fans. I'm also happy just to be working at not only my new biz, but also my 9-to-5.

I wax nostalgic tonight due to this being the five-year anniversary of my mother-in-law's death. She's lost her battle with lung cancer that had migrated to her brain. It was awful to watch a once vibrant woman go down so fast and die within months of her final doctor visit. She was a true character and a dear friend.

Otherwise, my days are so full of work, I don't reflect as often as I should... so I am taking the time now. May this week be a fair site better than the last one... and press on.


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